Just about any kid that grew up near a pond or stream has had encounters with the terrifying Crawfish! Also called Crayfish, Crawdad or Mudbug in different parts of the country, this little bugger h...
Mahi or Dolphin or Dorado, no matter what you call it, this fish is by far one of the best tasting and most sought after game fish in the world. There are thousands of great recipes on the web for Mah...
Over the last decade or so Catfish has grown in popularity as table fare. It has a sweet and mild flavor and when prepared properly a white and flaky flesh. A very common fish in North America with th...
Living in South Florida Snapper has become one of my favorite fish and I have collected many recipes on how to cook Florida Snapper, but this is one of my favorites! Snapper has a very mild fla...
Make sure your Fish Market is clean and doesn't smell like ammonia or old fish, Fresh fish should smell more like seawater. ...While I was strolling through the supermarket the other day trying...
Try Variations of this recipe and enjoy! Jamaican Jerk Swordfish with Orange Mango Salsa and Arugula I think the only thing that comes close to the thrill of catching a swordfish on rod and reel...
Seared Tuna Here is a great little recipe that is simple yet tastes so good. For our friends in the regions of the world that hold various types of Tuna, pretty much anything would work well with ...
I had a major craving for trout the other day and since the I was able to go out and catch my due to the time of year, I sauntered on down to my local fish monger, ( I just love using the words ‘fis...