The Outdoors guy

The Outdoors guy
I was born in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York and was blessed with a loving middle class family. I was constantly fascinated by the nearby Atlantic Ocean and spent all my free time in or near the water. My love for the ocean has never waned and I’ve always lived within a mile or two of the beach.
My time as a youth was spent either in the library or competing in some athletic endeavor. I graduated early from high school and my first experience with higher education occurred when I was barely 16. A local college accepted me after I’d been turned down by several universities due to concerns over age and distance from home. I entered a bio-med program while also playing center field for the varsity baseball team, which attracted the attention of some pro scouts. I was offered an opportunity to play professional baseball and did so for several years before retiring from the sport. Handling my own finances and investments as a ball player had led me to learn all I could about the financial services industry. This was a natural path to my new career.
For the past fourteen years I’ve been a trader and upper level manager both on Wall Street and at my home near Miami. I assisted in the writing of several books on trading and have taught numerous seminars on trading equities. As mentioned earlier, I I traveled extensively as a trouble shooter to improve the efficiency of the firms for whom I worked. After many successful years in the industry, I desired closure with regards to academics, and returned to school where I completed my MBA degree. All this time I have never lost my love for anything outdoors, Fishing and wildlife photography, have been more than passions, they are a way of life. Recently, some wonderful friends have indoctrinated me into the world of hunting, at first I had some concerns, as it was totally foreign to me, as I had only pursued cold blooded creatures and am a firm believer in catch and release (aside from food). My compromise was that I would become a bow hunter, which is a facet of hunting that I have come to love, yet am rarely successful at. My understanding of nature and wildlife has increased tenfold by taking on this endeavor.

My career in financial services allowed me to pursue my enjoyment of adventure travel whilst quenching my thirst for knowledge. I have a profound love and respect for the great outdoors and take advantage of every opportunity to see more of this world. From the high slopes of Mt. Everest to the depths of the ocean as a dive master in the Florida Keys, I’ve been fortunate to experience Mother Nature up close and personal. A new and recent interest is fly fishing in the mountain states.
I’m very happy that my personal and professional life experiences, combined with academic accomplishments, have put me in a situation of being able to be more selective in future career choices. My knowledge and attitude has been shaped by so many positive forces, for which I am truly grateful. It is this life experience that has positioned me for leadership roles and will allow me to adapt to a variety of settings.

I’m often accused of thinking a bit “outside the box”. OK, way outside the box! That’s why I enjoy life so much and have accomplished what I’ve been able to do. I plan on continuing my life-long desire to learn and grow and hope that I might be able to teach and pass on my unique perspective to others. Good luck to all!