
What you Need to Know about Daytime Swordfishing
Featured Content, Fishing, Oct 23, 2013

What you Need to Know about Daytime Swordfishing

The water was calm and the sun was still fairly high in the west as we pulled out of Haulover Cut in Miami with high hopes of landing a Swordfish that night. About an hour later then sun was dipping b...

Incredible Jamaican Swordfish Recipe
Fish Recipes, Recipes, Oct 21, 2009

Incredible Jamaican Swordfish Recipe

Try Variations of this recipe and enjoy! Jamaican Jerk Swordfish with Orange Mango Salsa and Arugula I think the only thing that comes close to the thrill of catching a swordfish on rod and reel...

Tips on Catching South Florida Swordfish
Fishing, Saltwater, Jul 16, 2009

Tips on Catching South Florida Swordfish

The Outdoors Guy with a 265 lb Swordfish Visualize this, we leave the dock about 2 hours before dark and run due south from Ft. Lauderdale to Miami. We then head out with the aid of satell...